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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Shot Put!

Well, yesterday's PE lesson (Physical Education lesson) was a pretty surprising one. As those of Victoria School should know, the SATs are happening in these few PE lessons. Well there is a race for the title of best house you see, the best house is determined by a the number of points at the end of the year. Though most of the points are gained at the Vicotoria Sports Day, held at Victoria Junior Colledge, we were given a chance to help your house to achieve first place. You never know when the Scores between first and second only differs by one point.

With that in mind, we then put all our hearts into the few sports that might determine the best house and the second best house. The SATs (Standard Athletic Tests) included a one hundred metre dash, an eight hundred metre run, shot put and somuch more. Me being the acceptable weight but bad stamina had already missed getting points for my house in the eight hundred metres but in shot put, which was yesterday, I thought the ball would just be the one kilogram balls we had used last year but it turned out to be the four kilograms ones. Once I heard that, my heart fell and started to doubt myself. I was so afraid that I would loose to everyone.

The lucky thing was those of register number twenty-0ne till the end of the class, which was forty-one, would play soccer for the time being, as the rest take their shots. We were then split into two groups twenty-one to thirty and thirty-one to forty-one. For I was thirty-one, there fore I went to the designated playing area. For some reason the people who had gathered with me were not deciding who was on whose team. As I counted the heads, there seemed to have missing people, then I looked at the other group, I saw the missing people there.

It was so frustrating and none of the other people around me felt like playing soccer at all. We soon ended up standing around the goal post and kicking the ball around. The first period of PE ended miserably for me. We were then asked to return to the teacher. After explaining what to do, we lined up and took turns to throw the shot put. I was nervous at first but after see most of us not getting past five point five.

As my turn came I kept thinking of the motion of the throw. When I went into the circle, readied myself and threw the put just over five point five metres. I was overjoyed. My second attempt, however, was not as successful and missed the mark by just a few centimetres. All in all, I feel that shot put could just be the only sport of the SATs that I am good at.

Total Words=481

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