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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

History Clip

Today, one of our classes was History. Worst of all it it was after recess, and after recess was always the period where the class will be more restless than usual. It was because of this that the first half of the lesson was hard to listen to without moving about a little or talking. It was utter chaos when our History teacher just arrived, people talking, playing, and even changing. Those who were changing immidiately quickened their pace and soon sat down.

We greeted our teadher and he got the IT rap to help to get his laptop plugged into the projector, soon, we were copying down notes for our History resivion and also for my future reference. As we were talking about the 'pull' factors of Chinese immigrants, Our teacher then showed us a clip from the movie caled The Warlords. I had not watched it so am not sure of the storyline. It started with the two forces staring at each other and as the battle raged on, one of them was starting to loose. One of their generals even had a spear stuck through is heart. He was still fighting until the enemy surrounded his brothers and himself. The enemy sent thousands of soldiers just to surround one man and his brothers is a little overdoing it right? Anyway, the teacher then stopped the video and we had to either watch it on our own. This clip was shown to us for a reason, maybe to attract our attention, or to wake us up, etc. This clip surely shows such a strong bond between brothers that he could even defy death.

Total Words=275

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