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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ending Off

Well, now that's the end of my posting. Goodbye, you might not hear from me through the blog again!


My Favourite Place To Do Group Work

Victoria School is very big in size, so big that when you and your group stay back after school for group work, you will have a very wide range of places you can choose from. From the school field to the classrooms. All of these places are excessable.

Places like the canteen has great tables to write on, draw on but can be noisy sometime, along with the distraction of the smell of food.

The classrooms are a good place to do your group work in peace and tranquility, even the tables are easy to move and set them up for a group discussion. Unfortunately, unless you have the keys to the classroom, you cannot enter them.

The library is a place for self study and not for group discussions to take place. Even though the library is air-conditioned, that does not mean the library is the best place to do group work.

The benches just outside the Design and Technology room has a nice breeze blowing there. Those benches also has its own tranquility, not many people wanting to go to this area. The benches are situated right beside the pond and thus, the sights and sounds of the fishes and turtles make can bbe quite distracting, especially when there is a sudden sound of water splashing.

To me, my favourite place that is in school for group projects would be the table, with an umbrela in the centre, beside the pond. The area there is very peaceful and quiet, perfect for a nice long group talk. This area even has a cool breeze that will relieve you of you frustraion that your groupmates do not listen to you or your ideas. One of the most important things is that the table must allow one to write on the table without destroying the paper you are writing on, and that is what that table is like.

Total Words=317

History Clip

Today, one of our classes was History. Worst of all it it was after recess, and after recess was always the period where the class will be more restless than usual. It was because of this that the first half of the lesson was hard to listen to without moving about a little or talking. It was utter chaos when our History teacher just arrived, people talking, playing, and even changing. Those who were changing immidiately quickened their pace and soon sat down.

We greeted our teadher and he got the IT rap to help to get his laptop plugged into the projector, soon, we were copying down notes for our History resivion and also for my future reference. As we were talking about the 'pull' factors of Chinese immigrants, Our teacher then showed us a clip from the movie caled The Warlords. I had not watched it so am not sure of the storyline. It started with the two forces staring at each other and as the battle raged on, one of them was starting to loose. One of their generals even had a spear stuck through is heart. He was still fighting until the enemy surrounded his brothers and himself. The enemy sent thousands of soldiers just to surround one man and his brothers is a little overdoing it right? Anyway, the teacher then stopped the video and we had to either watch it on our own. This clip was shown to us for a reason, maybe to attract our attention, or to wake us up, etc. This clip surely shows such a strong bond between brothers that he could even defy death.

Total Words=275

Shot Put!

Well, yesterday's PE lesson (Physical Education lesson) was a pretty surprising one. As those of Victoria School should know, the SATs are happening in these few PE lessons. Well there is a race for the title of best house you see, the best house is determined by a the number of points at the end of the year. Though most of the points are gained at the Vicotoria Sports Day, held at Victoria Junior Colledge, we were given a chance to help your house to achieve first place. You never know when the Scores between first and second only differs by one point.

With that in mind, we then put all our hearts into the few sports that might determine the best house and the second best house. The SATs (Standard Athletic Tests) included a one hundred metre dash, an eight hundred metre run, shot put and somuch more. Me being the acceptable weight but bad stamina had already missed getting points for my house in the eight hundred metres but in shot put, which was yesterday, I thought the ball would just be the one kilogram balls we had used last year but it turned out to be the four kilograms ones. Once I heard that, my heart fell and started to doubt myself. I was so afraid that I would loose to everyone.

The lucky thing was those of register number twenty-0ne till the end of the class, which was forty-one, would play soccer for the time being, as the rest take their shots. We were then split into two groups twenty-one to thirty and thirty-one to forty-one. For I was thirty-one, there fore I went to the designated playing area. For some reason the people who had gathered with me were not deciding who was on whose team. As I counted the heads, there seemed to have missing people, then I looked at the other group, I saw the missing people there.

It was so frustrating and none of the other people around me felt like playing soccer at all. We soon ended up standing around the goal post and kicking the ball around. The first period of PE ended miserably for me. We were then asked to return to the teacher. After explaining what to do, we lined up and took turns to throw the shot put. I was nervous at first but after see most of us not getting past five point five.

As my turn came I kept thinking of the motion of the throw. When I went into the circle, readied myself and threw the put just over five point five metres. I was overjoyed. My second attempt, however, was not as successful and missed the mark by just a few centimetres. All in all, I feel that shot put could just be the only sport of the SATs that I am good at.

Total Words=481

Monday, January 25, 2010

Dirty Harry Movie

Monday, for English lesson, my class have finally completed watching the Dirty Harry movie. Now do not get the wrong idea. The movie does not have anything you are thinking now if you only heard of this movie for the first time. I know the title might have the word 'dirty' in it but there is nothing 'dirty' in it. The whole movie was so suspenseful that every lesson that required us to watch the next segment of Dirty Harry, we would moan at the end of the segments, wanting to watch more.

The movie is so exciting that I even went and watched the sequel, Magnum Force. The Dirty Harry movie is about Inspector Harry Callahan chasing down and finally killing the murderer Scorpio. It had all started with Scorpio killing a girl on a rooftop pool. Harry finds the ransom note and takes it to the headquarters. He then goes for lunch, only to be interrupted by a bank robbery across the street. He stops the robbers and has one of his famous speeches- 'Do you feel lucky'.

The police then foils two more of Scorpio's murder attempts. Scorpio then is frustrated and kidnaps a girl, rapes her then buries her alive, sending a ransom for twice the original amount. The mayor decides to pay and wants Harry to go with no back-up. Without permission, A Harry and his partner wear a wire to communicate and tapes a knife to his shin. Harry is then led through a wild goose chase that ended at the big cross on the hill. Scorpio then says he will let the girl die anyway and beats up Harry. Harry's partner shows up occupies Scorpio while Harry stabs Scorpio in the leg. Scorpio limps off and escapes.

Harry's partner then resigns from the force and Harry gets a new partner. The duo lok for the doctor who had treated Scorpio and find Scorpio at the Kezar Stadium. Harry searched Scorpio's room and eventually gets scorpio in the leg, then torturing Scorpio for the location of the girl. the police later find the girl dead and Scorpio is released.

Not long after his release, Scorpio attacks a liquor store owner and takes his pistol, then kidapping a bus load of children and wants a ransom and a jet. The mayor wants to pay again and Harry to be the bag boy but Harry refuses and goes after Scorpio himself. The two have a fierce gunfight and then Scorpio uses a boy as a hostage. with pin-point accuracy, Harry shoots Scorpio in the shoulder and gives his 'Do you feel lucky' speech again, but this time, Scorpio did not listen and Harry shot him into the river. Harry then takes out his inspector badge and throws it into the lake.

It really was an exciting movie, hope you will like it too.

Total Words=447

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Wedding... Lunch?

It was Saturday night when my parents told me we would be going for a wedding lunch yesterday. I was astounded. I have never heard such a thing as a wedding lunch until today. When I asked my mother why a lunch and not a dinner, she told me a few reasons. The most likely would be the wedding couple did not have a big enough budget for a dinner for a dinner would surely cost a bomb.79

When we arrived at our destination, I was astonished at the size of the place. The ballroom had a high ceiling with New Year's decorations everywhere. Only then did I think back and made another guess at the reason for a wedding lunch. Another reason could be that the couple had wanted to have the celebrations before the Chinese New Year. As my parents gave the red packets to the wedding couple, my gaze had wondered around the place. It finally fell onto a few tanks embedded into one of the walls. The contents of the tanks included fish, prawns, crabs and lobsters. Most of these will meet their end today but deep down I feel a little akward, these are living beings too.124

The usher then came to us and ushered us to our seats, around a table two rows away from the stage at the back of the ballroom. My aunts and uncles were already waiting for us at the table. Finally, after a long wait, the MC anounced the arrival of the bride and bridegroom and the music of 'here comes the bride' is heard in the background. The proud couples enter in their tuxedo and wedding dress. Streamers were popped out of their 'shells' and flew all over the place, even onto the hair of people along the isles.101

As the couple take their place, the food is served. first came the cold dishes and appetisers. They were pretty good. Now came the main course, the appetisers sure had worked up my appetite and I wolfed down the bowl of rice and a serving of chicken. When my apetite was really working up, the lunch was cut short. It was so surprising for me that they would only have so short a 'feast' no wonder my mother had said they might not have enough money. The lunch was cut short because my father had to deliver bread to Fengshan Community Club. As we left, I now know something new-that wedding celebrations are not confined to dinners and banquets.120

Total Words=424

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Starting Off

Hello there everyone! Welcome to my empty blog! be sure to stay tuned for 5 more posts before i stop blogging! Happy New Year! :)